1. Dribble VIP murti 3:46
  2. Dooky VIP murti 2:16

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Conjuring an ecstasy that is often forgotten underneath the saturation of bass, Murti blends the vibrations we’ve come to love, with a new glow to remind us of where we’re going with bass music.

Sourcing his sound within a true love of the natural world, and with the aspirations and influences of dub and soundsystem culture which brought us to a cusp of 140 centric, bass-driven music, we feel in Murti a refreshing sense of rooted, sustained bass, crafted relentlessly over the years. Labyrinthine ambience and unraveling melodies amidst arcane low-end frequencies are magnified by mystifying vocals with a vernacular flow and gravitating grooves that importune a fully immersive sound oddity. The focal point of Murti can’t be captured but brings a full experience to the audience.

With a burning desire to raise the vibration of bass music, Murti has been relentlessly practicing his craft since his first two releases on ShadowTrix Music and Wormhole Music Group in 2016. You can expect nothing less than a surprise when you fast forward to the debut of live vocals on the “7 Chakra Mixtape” in 2019. With his next releases set to drop in 2022, Murti’s evolving sound is one to keep an ear out for.